2+2-5 (lyrics)
Are you such a dreamer
To put the world to rights?
I'll stay home forever
Where two and two always makes a five
I'll lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April's showers
And two and two always makes a five
It's the devil's way now
There is no way out
You can SCREAM and you can shout
It is too late now
You have not been!
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention oohh
I try to sing along
But I get it all wrong
I swat 'em like flies but like flies the buggers keep coming back NOT
But I’m not
All hail to the thief
All hail to the thief
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
Don't question my authority or put me in the box
Oh go and tell the king that the sky is falling in
When it's not
But it's not
But it's not
Maybe not
Maybe not
Are you such a dreamer
To put the world to rights?
I'll stay home forever
Where two and two always makes a five
I'll lay down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
January has April's showers
And two and two always makes a five
It's the devil's way now
There is no way out
You can SCREAM and you can shout
It is too late now
You have not been!
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
You have not been paying attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention
Payin' attention oohh
I try to sing along
But I get it all wrong
I swat 'em like flies but like flies the buggers keep coming back NOT
But I’m not
All hail to the thief
All hail to the thief
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
But I'm not
Don't question my authority or put me in the box
Oh go and tell the king that the sky is falling in
When it's not
But it's not
But it's not
Maybe not
Maybe not
Diriku tak menyangka jika 2 + 2 = 5 itu bisa dibuktiin secara matematis!Seperti Lyric lagu di atas, selama ini saya pikir 2+2=5 itu cuma pemikiran si Thomyorke aja, sang Vokalis Radiohead! Saya akhirnya nemuin rumus pembuktian untuk hal itu! Percaya tidak? Kalo penasaran lihat deh rumus yang saya temuin di Uncyclopedia
- Pertama-tama…
Pikirkan angka a. Angka apa aja. - Sekarang bikin angka b.
- Angka a harus sama dengan b. Catet tuh: a = b
- a*a = b*a. Ya kan? Angkanya sama loh.
- Karena angka itu sama di kedua sisi, boleh kan saya kasih sesuatu?
Nih, a*a – b*b = b*a – b*b. Perhatikan - b*b yang sama di kedua sisi. - Kalo difaktorkan, persamaan kita menjadi (a+b)*(a-b) = b(a-b).
- Dari persamaan tersebut, kita bisa “mencoret” angka yang sama, yaitu (a-b), sehingga persamaannya menjadi: (a+b)*
(a-b)= b(a-b). - Setelah dicoret, hasilnya menjadi (a+b) = b
- Sekali lagi, jika gue kasih angka yang sama di kedua sisi, sama aja kan? Nih dia, (a+b) +3 = b + 3
- Sekarang misalnya kita menganggap jika a = 1. Catet dulu tuh.
- Karena a = b , maka b = 1 juga kan?
- Masukkan angka itu ke persamaan no 9 –> (1+1) +3 = 1 + 3
- 5 = 4
NAH LO!! 5 = 4 !!?
BERARTI 2 + 2 = 4. KARENA 4 = 5 , MAKA TERBUKTILAH BAHWA 2 + 2 = 5 !!
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